Friday, May 27, 2011

My Garden

Last weekend I bought 1 1/2 yards of dirt - well premium bedding mix to be precise - not only did I buy it, but I unloaded it, dumped it, spread it, etc, etc, etc....  This involved a shovel and wheel barrel - yes that is correct I actually wielded these items in my hands.  Oh, did I mention the wheel barrel was broken so I had to wield it with caution?  Yes, it's true.

So what is the big deal?  The big deal is that 'Mama Don't Do Yard Work'.  Since I was a girl I have been squirming my way out of the yard work department.  When my Dad would announce everyone was going to be in the yard working...I would bat my eyes at my Mom and she would get me off the hook...much to the dismay of my siblings - but I felt no remorse.

So what has changed?  Food is involved.  I want a vegetable garden.  I want all the cilantro, tomatoes and jalapeños I can get for my Salsa.  I want to go to my back yard for cucumbers and green beans instead of the grocery store.  I want to shuck corn from my backyard rather then pick through it and fight for the best ears at the grocery store.  I want to look outside and see all this beautiful food growing just for me...and my family.

After spending a small fortune on vegetable and herb starts (I'm not sure I spend that much over the coarse of the summer on regular veggies!), I came home and planted my treasures in the new raised beds Lover made for me.

These are my tomatoes and jalapeños!!!!!
Lover also wanted some hot banana peppers...not sure about those.
I think there is a green pepper in there too.

This is my lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower & strawberries.
(note to self: work on camera skills)

As I knew we would, we bought too much so we had to start planting in the ground.  This is our corn, green onion, more cauliflower & broccoli and a red bell pepper.

This is my green beans and cucumbers!

My herbs are in another planter - I have cilantro, german thyme, basil, chives & flat leaf parsley...mmmmmm!

So this is my new summer project...which may or may not require a green thumb...I hope it is forgiving as I am going to need it!!

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