Friday, January 13, 2012

An Usher Kind of Morning

This morning started out like most other mornings.  I had to tear myself off my mattress and try not to fall down the stairs to get my morning coffee.  Today was one of the morning I would be taking live-in #1 to school, middle school that is, so I started the truck to get it all warm and cozy.  When I got into the truck I noticed the music was turned down too low to hear so I turned it up, one minute later I turned it back appears Alanis Morrissette is not a good match for me in the mornings.

But then, as I am pulling into the parking lot of live-in #1's middle school, my spirits perked up  I came awake with a start...Usher was singing none other than my favorite 2011 boating song.  It was my number one song on my playlist.  I would play it Loud and Proud on the boat and we all loved it.  The song took me back to a July afternoon when I took a boat full of girls out surfing, leaving the guys in our dust...or should I say ripples since we were on the water...

So I only saw it fitting that this morning at 7:45 a.m. I once again played it Loud and Proud...BUT alas I forgot where we were at and how live-in #1 gets very embarrassed by my antics at times.  She immediately turned it WAY down so I turned it back UP, she turned it down again so I turned it back up, told her this was my car and began to work on getting my groove on.  She was NOT impressed.  So I turned it down, only a little, so she could get out of the car and begin her walk run of shame into the school as her mother was obviously deliriously high on Usher...then I turned the music back up and fought the temptation to completely humiliate my daughter by dancing my way out of the parking lot.

When the song was over I went back to normal volume and Live-In #2 told me he thought he might be deaf now.  But I don't care....I needed to channel my inner winterized boating soul!

After all....DJ's got me falling in love!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Letter to Live-In #2

Dear Live-In #2:

On January 9, 2002 at 11:46 a.m. my world was blessed by your arrival.  You continue to bless my life each day.  I love the wonder in your eyes as you discover something new and the excitement you express when you share what you have learned with me.  Seeing the world through your eyes is a wondrous thing.

I tell you sometimes that I am proud of you and I want you to understand why.  You are good, and kind, and caring, and empathetic, and generous, and thoughtful.  You not only make my world brighter but you bring light to those you know.  You are infectious and an essential part of my life!

Now, about that little saying that you have being saying lately..."I am a pre-teen now"...nice about just staying my baby!

Last, I want to you to read this very carefully because I know you are a sponge when it comes to information.  I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as there is air to breathe my baby you'll be.

I love you my son!


Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy 10th Birthday to My Boy

 Today my son turns 10 years old!!  I don't know where the time goes, but here is a look back at the past year of his life.

He is a fan of the Oregon Ducks

He played tackle football for the first time and loved it!

Well hello Handsome...uh, hold on a are supposed to be my baby!

He made a touchdown at Reesers Stadium - Home of the OSU Beavers
Even though he is a Oregon Ducks Fan.

He showed us his wild side!  
Ozzy Osborne Crazy Train

He continued in his quest to Wake Surf

And Succeeded!!!

He was a West Salem Little League 9/10 All Star

1st day of 4th Grade

Hunting Mice with his brother

Telling stories around the campfire

Playing on the Beach

Showing off his new Oceanic White Tip Shark Tooth Necklace

Goofing around at the Christmas Tree Farm

Light Sabor fun in the garage with his cousin on Thanksgiving

My little Falcons Fan!