Thursday, June 2, 2011

Goodbye May

My Life - May 2011
  1. Live-In #1's turned 13!  I can't believe my baby is a teenager!!
  2. Completed my 1st 1/2 Marathon - running the whole way!
  3. Celebrated Mother's Day and Live-In #1's birthday on the same day.
  4. Live-In #1' was in a play 'Check Please'.  She is so talented!
  5. Went on another field trip with Live-In #3 - we were rained on but we had fun!
  6. Planted my first vegetable garden!
  7. Began getting my summer tan on! If the sun won't cooperate I will take matters into my own hands...
  8. Live-In #2 introduced me to Sealants...
  9. Took off an a weekend getaway for Memorial Day
  10. Bought myself a new purse & shoes...this is big for me...I tend to wear the same shoes and use the same purse for years on end...  No shoe/purse fetish here...or is there???
Such is a month in the course of my lifetime. I wouldn't trade a day.  Happy to be the Lover of My Lover and the Mother of my Live-Ins.

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