Thursday, May 19, 2011


I have been working on a list of things that are said around my household that are random and make me laugh, chuckle or just smile.  However, Live-In #1 said something to me recently that can't just be listed but showcased...

Before you read any farther, for those of you who may not know this about me, I feel I must confess...I can be crass.  I like the shock factor of it.  When I was younger it was fun to shock my mom with's the rebel in me (sorry mom)...

Now, sometimes I will shock my lover with it when I want to get the upper hand...he never knows what will come flying out of my mouth - keeps him on his toes!  I think it is the red pepper flake in our it a little spicy kick!

But, I digress...back to my story...

So the other day Live-In #1 and I were discussing her birth story.  I was reminding her of how she made me wait a week past her due date, how she refused to be born on our first induction attempt, how miserable I was, how my one and only desire was to hold my sweet baby girl in my arms...

Her favorite comeback to each of my woes is:  'Mom, I Couldn't Find the Light'.

But on this day we were going back and forth...she was giving it to me as good as I was giving it to her.  So the next time she said she couldn't find the light I decided to be crass and said: 'So You Decided to Crap in My Belly?'

She didn't miss a beat and quickly responded... 'See, I Told You I Was Claustrophobic!!!'

This was promptly followed by horror on her part...'Ewww, did I really do that?', but I was too busy laughing to answer her.

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